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Gamers speculate Ray Liotta return GTA 6 after spotting evidence

The long-awaited trailer for GTA 6 will be released next week, leading to speculation that the game will return to Vice City.

The highly anticipated news for the sixth installment of the iconic GTA series is about to be revealed, and fans are eagerly awaiting the trailer set to land next week. It's been over a decade since the last game was released, and the speculation surrounding GTA 6 has been building up. Rumors have surfaced that the new game will take us back to Vice City, the setting of the hit 2002 release. Rockstar's trailer announcement seems to confirm this speculation, hinting at a return to the iconic location. The original game, set in the mid-80s, centered on protagonist Tommy Vercetti, voiced by Hollywood legend Ray Liotta. However, Liotta's death last year dashed the hopes of many fans for his return in future games. Despite rumors of a falling out between the actor and Rockstar, reports have emerged of Liotta visiting the company's offices, leading to speculation that he may make an appearance in GTA VI. Fans have suggested various theories, including the possibility of Liotta recording new lines for the game or Rockstar using old recordings of his voice. While these claims seem unlikely, many are hopeful for Tommy Vercetti's return. The anticipation continues to grow as fans eagerly await the release of the trailer and the official announcement from Rockstar.

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