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Lawrence O'Donnell criticizes Republican opposing George Santos while supporting Trump

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell slams New York Congressman Mike Lawler for hypocrisy over support for George Santos and Donald Trump.

During the latest episode of "The Last Word," MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell dedicated a segment to calling out Republicans who claim to be concerned about dishonesty but continue to support Donald Trump. Specifically, O'Donnell targeted New York Republican Congressman Mike Lawler, highlighting the hypocrisy in his stance on George Santos' lies and his enthusiastic support for Trump.

Lawler has publicly voiced his desire to see Santos expelled from Congress due to his use of campaign funds for personal gain, citing Santos' false claims about 9/11 and the Holocaust as particularly egregious. However, O'Donnell pointed out that Lawler's outrage over lies rings hollow, given his unwavering support for Trump, who has also made false statements about 9/11.

O'Donnell played clips of both Lawler and Trump making false claims about their experiences with 9/11, highlighting the inconsistency in Lawler's condemnation of Santos while continuing to support Trump. He emphasized that Lawler's voting record shows that he supported Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, despite Trump's history of dishonesty.

In conclusion, O'Donnell called out Lawler's hypocrisy, stating that his actions demonstrate that he is not genuinely offended by lies about 9/11. The segment served as a stark reminder of the inconsistency and lack of integrity within the Republican Party when it comes to holding their own members and leaders accountable for dishonesty.

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