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Robin Roberts: Recent Absence from GMA - It's OK Not to be OK

Robin Roberts shares a positive message with fans in Instagram clip after recent absence from Good Morning America. #OKNotToBeOK

In a recent Instagram clip, Good Morning America's Robin Roberts shared a cryptic morning message with her fans and followers, encouraging them not to be discouraged even when it feels like they're losing out. In the comment section, a fan named Caroline expressed feeling low and jaded, to which Robin responded with words of encouragement, reminding her that it's okay not to be okay but to try not to stay in that state for too long.

She also shared a photo from her second honeymoon with her wife Amber, captioned "Honeymoon #2...not sad that it's over, we're happy that it happened," showing the couple enjoying their time in the jungle. Before returning to GMA, Robin celebrated her birthday, Thanksgiving, and their second honeymoon, sharing moments from their adventures on social media.

The couple enjoyed their time by the pool, taking in the views, and even went on a bike ride to see the ocean and jungle. They relaxed on the beach, sipped cocktails, and caught the sunrise before leaving. Throughout their honeymoon, Robin shared glimpses of their adventures, reminding her followers that it's important to take time for themselves and enjoy the moments.

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