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Macaulay Culkin tears up Brenda Song Walk of Fame

Macaulay Culkin shouts out fiancée Brenda Song at Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony, marking their children's first public appearance.

Macaulay Culkin and Brenda Song, two former child actors, are known for keeping a low profile as a couple in Hollywood. However, during Culkin's star ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, he took the opportunity to publicly acknowledge his fiancée, Brenda Song. In an emotional speech, Culkin expressed his gratitude and love for Song, calling her his champion and the best person he's ever known. He also humorously mentioned her as one of his three favorite people after the birth of their two boys.

Despite never officially announcing their engagement and keeping the birth of their second child private, Culkin's Walk of Fame ceremony marked the first public appearance of their children. The couple, known for their privacy, has rarely shared details of their relationship, choosing to keep their personal life out of the public eye.

The heartfelt moment at Culkin's star ceremony shed light on their love and family life, as Song held their younger son Carson and 2-year-old Dakota posed for pictures with his parents. Culkin's final words, "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals," added a touch of humor to the emotional event. Overall, the couple's public appearance and Culkin's heartfelt speech provided a rare glimpse into their private life, leaving fans with a heartwarming moment to cherish.

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