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Husband DIY Taylor Swift Advent Calendar Wins Christmas

Husband Jake wins Christmas with DIY Taylor Swift Advent calendar for wife, complete with themed gifts and thoughtful surprise.

Jake has truly outdone himself this holiday season with his DIY Taylor Swift Advent calendar for his wife, Brooke. The TikTok video posted by @wetheseekers on December 2 showcases Jake's incredible creation, a replica of the Eras Tour lover house complete with themed gifts in each room.

The video captures Jake's meticulous process of sketching, measuring, cutting, and assembling the Advent calendar, all while incorporating the color schemes and themes of each era from Taylor Swift's albums. The thoughtful gesture culminates in a blindfolded Brooke being led to the finished calendar, where she is visibly overjoyed by the surprise.

The first gift from the calendar, a paper ring as a nod to Swift's song "Paper Rings," is just the beginning of the personalized and heartfelt gifts that Jake has included.

Swifties on TikTok have been quick to praise Jake's efforts, with many expressing admiration for his understanding and love for his wife. Some have even suggested that Jake could turn his creation into a business due to its popularity.

The creativity and thoughtfulness behind Jake's Taylor Swift Eras Tour Advent calendar have truly captured the hearts of many, and it's clear that his gesture has resonated deeply with fans of Taylor Swift. The calendar not only serves as a unique and personal gift for Brooke, but also as a testament to the power of love and understanding in a relationship.

What are your thoughts on Jake's Taylor Swift Advent calendar? Let us know in the comments!

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