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Jim Leyland celebrates Cooperstown call he never expected

Jim Leyland was not expecting to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, but he received the call while lying in bed.

Jim Leyland was initially skeptical about his chances of being selected for the Hall of Fame. However, as the announcement drew closer, he began to feel anxious and excited. When the Hall of Fame planned to call any inductee between 6:30 to 7:15 p.m., Leyland was on edge. As the time passed, he figured the lack of a call confirmed his suspicions that he wasn't going to get in. However, as he went upstairs to lie down, he received the unexpected call. A photo captured the moment, showing Leyland taking the call while reclined on his bed, giving a thumbs-up to his family.

Leyland, who is currently a special assistant in the Tigers' front office, had an illustrious career as a manager. He won 1,769 games, finished first six times, and won the 1997 World Series with the Marlins. Additionally, he was named Manager of the Year in 1990, 1992, and 2006. He will be inducted into the Hall of Fame on July 21, 2024, in Cooperstown, N.Y., along with any players selected from the Baseball Writers Association of America ballot in January.

Reflecting on his induction, Leyland expressed his disbelief and joy, stating that landing in Cooperstown is the ultimate achievement in a baseball career. He never thought it would happen, but he's looking forward to enjoying the moment.

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