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Denny Laine The Moody Blues Wings dies Florida 79

British rock legend Denny Laine, co-founder of the Moody Blues and Wings, has died at 79 after battling a lung disease.

British rock legend, Denny Laine, has passed away at the age of 79 after battling a lung disease. Laine, who co-founded the Moody Blues and later joined Wings with Paul and Linda McCartney, died at home while listening to his favorite Christmas songs, according to a post by his wife Elizabeth Hines on Facebook.

Hines shared that she and Laine had hoped he would overcome his health setbacks and return home from the rehabilitation center, but unfortunately, his lung disease, Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD), proved to be unpredictable and aggressive. ILD causes scarring of the lungs, making it difficult to breathe and get oxygen to the blood. In most cases, ILD cannot be cured and will worsen over time.

Laine's illness was further complicated by complications from COVID-19, according to a GoFundMe campaign started by his wife a few months ago. Hines expressed gratitude for the love and support they received during Laine's health crisis, and Paul McCartney also shared kind words about his former bandmate, praising Laine's talent as a vocalist and guitar player.

In his tribute, McCartney described Laine as a great talent with a fine sense of humor who was always ready to help others. He expressed his condolences and best wishes to Laine's wife, Elizabeth, and family.

Hines requested privacy for Laine's family and friends during this time, and Laine is survived by his five children. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee will be remembered with great fondness by his friends and fans.

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