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GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy California resigning 2 months ouster House speaker

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of California announced his resignation, capping a stunning end to his political career. He will leave by year-end.

Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, who was removed from his position as House speaker two months ago, announced his resignation from his congressional seat on Wednesday. His departure will be at the end of the year. This marks a surprising end for McCarthy, who rose from being a deli counter owner in Bakersfield to the second in line to the presidency, only to be ousted from his role as speaker by a faction of hard-right conservatives.

In his op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, McCarthy stated, "No matter the odds, or personal cost, we did the right thing." He explained that he has decided to leave the House at the end of the year to serve America in new ways.

His resignation comes at a time when the House GOP majority is already thin, with just a few seats to spare. This is further complicated by a wave of retirements in the House and the expulsion of indicted GOP Rep. George Santos of New York. These events have left the majority struggling to conduct the basic business of governing.

McCarthy's removal from the speaker's position was the result of grievances from the hard-right faction of his party, particularly over his decision to work with Democrats to keep the federal government open rather than risk a shutdown.

McCarthy, who arrived in the House in 2007, rose through the ranks of his party, serving as majority whip and Republican leader before being elected speaker in 2023. However, his tenure as speaker was marked by challenges, including divisions within the GOP and a fragile majority in the chamber.

His deals to become speaker, including a rules change that allowed any single lawmaker to file a motion to remove him, left him vulnerable. His well-known fundraising and political skills were not enough to manage the hard-right faction of his party.

McCarthy, who hails from Bakersfield, is known for his resilience and has often quoted his father, saying, "It's not how you start, it's how you finish." His decision to leave the House marks the end of a political career that has seen both triumph and challenges.

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