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Baldur's Gate 3 crowned game of the year

'Fallout' TV show actors attend Game Awards, 'Last of Us' wins best adaptation. 'Baldur's Gate 3' named game of the year.

The 2023 Game Awards showcased the incredible talent and innovation in the video game industry, with the role-playing game "Baldur's Gate 3" taking home the coveted title of video game of the year. The game, set in a fantasy world of wizards, elves, and barbarians, has captivated millions of fans since its release in August, and the team at Larian Studios poured their hearts and souls into its creation over six years, even in the face of challenging circumstances.

The event also saw the survival horror game "Alan Wake 2" winning top prizes for direction and narrative, showcasing the power of collaborative vision and creativity in game development. The ceremony featured appearances from celebrities such as Matthew McConaughey and Timothee Chalamet, as well as exciting trailers for new titles in the works.

One of the most anticipated announcements came from Japanese video game icon Hideo Kojima, who revealed a new project called "OD" in collaboration with actor and filmmaker Jordan Peele. Described as a game that blurs the boundaries of gaming and film, "OD" aims to test players' fear thresholds in a completely immersive and utterly terrifying experience.

Kojima's vision for "OD" as a new form of media, combining the best elements of both movies and games, promises to push the boundaries of interactive storytelling. With the support of Microsoft's Xbox game studios and its cloud computing team, Kojima is working to create something truly unique and groundbreaking in the world of entertainment.

The 2023 Game Awards were a celebration of the artistry and innovation of the video game industry, showcasing the incredible talent and creativity of game developers and creators. From the epic fantasy world of "Baldur's Gate 3" to the immersive and terrifying experience of "OD," the future of gaming and interactive storytelling looks brighter than ever.

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