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Top 3 MLB Teams to Trade for Mike Trout

The Los Angeles Angels may reconsider trading Mike Trout after losing Shohei Ohtani to the Dodgers for a $700 million contract.

The Los Angeles Angels have made it clear that they will not be trading Mike Trout this offseason. However, with Shohei Ohtani's departure to the Dodgers for a whopping $700 million free agency contract, it might be time for the Angels to reconsider their stance on Trout.

If the Angels were to trade the Hall of Fame outfielder, there are a few teams that could make sense as potential trading partners. One such team is the New York Mets, who have not shied away from making big moves since Steve Cohen took over as the franchise's owner. Although the Mets are reportedly looking towards 2025 as their championship window, Trout could certainly accelerate that timeline.

Another potential trading partner for the Angels could be the San Francisco Giants, who have been eyeing a big splash for some time now. After missing out on Aaron Judge and Shohei Ohtani, Trout could be a nice consolation prize for the Giants as they aim for another championship run.

The Baltimore Orioles also come to mind as a potential trading partner for the Angels. With the best farm system in the league and a low payroll, the Orioles have the resources to make a blockbuster trade for Trout, even if it's more likely that they will choose to invest in their homegrown players.

It's an intriguing prospect to think about which teams could come into play for a Trout trade if he becomes available. Who do you think would be a good fit for Trout if the Angels decide to make him available?

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