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Golden Globe Nominations 2024: Snubs and Surprises

Hollywood is gearing up for a full-fledged awards season in 2024, starting with the return of the Golden Globe Awards.

The 2023 Hollywood scene was dominated by labor strikes and negotiations, but now the film and TV industry is gearing up for a full-fledged awards season. The Gotham Film Awards made a return in November, and 2024 will see the delayed Primetime Emmys, Oscars, and more.

Kicking things off is the Golden Globe Awards, set to take place on January 7, 2024 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles. The 81st Golden Globes will be broadcast live on CBS and will honor both film and television, with winners selected by 310 international journalists after the Hollywood Foreign Press Association dissolved and redistributed its assets. The 2024 ceremony will introduce two new awards: Cinematic and Box Office Achievement in Motion Pictures, and Best Performance in Stand-Up Comedy on Television. Glenn Weiss and Ricky Kirshner of White Cherry Entertainment (WCE) will serve as executive-producing showrunners for the 81st Annual Golden Globe Awards, with Weiss directing.

The nominees for all major film and TV categories were announced by Cedric "The Entertainer" and Wilmer Valderrama on Monday, December 11, 2023. While some titles and names were expected, others offered surprises (good and bad) for unexpected inclusions or omissions. The full list of Golden Globe nominees can be found online, but for a quick look at the biggest snubs and surprises, keep reading.

It's worth noting that the Golden Globes are owned by Dick Clark Productions and Eldridge. IndieWire's parent company, Penske Media, subsequently acquired Dick Clark Productions in a joint venture with Eldridge.

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