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Andre Braugher, Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor, dies at 61

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" star Andre Braugher, 61, passed away after a brief illness. He leaves behind a legacy of Emmy-winning performances.

American actor Andre Braugher, known for his roles in "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" and "Homicide: Life on the Street," passed away at the age of 61 after a brief illness. His publicist, Jennifer Allen, confirmed the news to the American press.

Braugher's career took off in 1989 with the film "Glory," where he starred alongside Denzel Washington and Matthew Broderick. He gained recognition for his role as detective Frank Pembleton in "Homicide: Life on the Street," earning an Emmy for his performance. He also received critical acclaim for his role in the miniseries "Thief," which earned him another Emmy and a Golden Globe nomination.

His impact on television continued with his portrayal of Owen Thoreau Jr. in "Men of a Certain Age," alongside Ray Romano and Scott Bakula. He received two Emmy nominations for this role. However, his most iconic role was as Captain Raymond Holt in "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," where he won two Critics Choice Awards and received four Emmy nominations.

Braugher was set to star in the upcoming Netflix series "Residence." His work on the big screen included appearances in "City of Angels," "Frequency," and "Poseidon." He also co-starred in the film "She Said," portraying the editor of The New York Times involved in the investigation that sparked the #MeToo movement.

He is survived by his wife, actress Ami Brabson, and his sons Michael, Isaiah, and John Wesley. His legacy as a talented actor and his impact on the entertainment industry will be remembered for years to come.

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