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Andre Braugher Cause of Death: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Star Dies

Beloved actor Andre Braugher passes away at 61, leaving fans and co-stars in mourning. Co-star Terry Crews pays heartfelt tribute.

Beloved actor Andre Braugher, known for his iconic roles in hit series like Brooklyn Nine-Nine and 'Homicide: Life On The Street', has passed away at the age of 61. The news of his passing caused an outpouring of grief and condolences from fans and fellow celebrities alike, as they mourn the loss of a talented and beloved actor.

Braugher's portrayal of the chief of police in Brooklyn Nine-Nine was deemed iconic by fans and critics alike, and his passing has left a void in the entertainment world. His publicist, Jennifer Allen, confirmed that Braugher passed away after dealing with a brief illness, though details of the illness have not been disclosed.

Born and raised in Chicago, Braugher's career in Hollywood began with his role in the film 'Glory' in 1989, which also featured Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington. He went on to have a successful TV career, appearing in shows like 'City of Angels', 'Poseidon', 'Frequency', 'The Mist', and many others. His untimely passing has also taken with it what would have been his next project, the Netflix show Residence.

Braugher is survived by his wife, actor Ami Brabson, and three children. His co-star Terry Crews, who worked with Braugher on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, expressed his shock and grief at the news of Braugher's passing, describing him as a mentor and a friend. Crews shared a heartfelt tribute on Instagram, expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to work with Braugher and the impact he had on his life.

The passing of Andre Braugher has left a lasting impact on the entertainment world, and he will be dearly missed by his fans, colleagues, and loved ones. His legacy as a talented and beloved actor will live on, and his contributions to the industry will not be forgotten. Rest in peace, Andre Braugher.

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