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Keith Richards Unbelievable Performance Willie Nelson Blowing Fans Minds Better

Willie Nelson celebrated his 90th birthday with a star-studded concert. Fans are thrilled to see him and Keith Richards perform together.

Willie Nelson celebrated his 90th birthday in a grand fashion at the Hollywood Bowl in California back in April. The country music legend was joined by some celebrity friends, including a surprise appearance by Keith Richards, who performed a few songs with Nelson. The performances were captured in the release of Long Story Short: Willie Nelson 90, giving fans the opportunity to see the iconic singers in action.

Fans of both Nelson and Richards couldn't help but appreciate the crossover of two musical worlds. Nelson, known for his lasting legacy in Outlaw Country, and Richards, a living legend in the rock world as a member of The Rolling Stones, showed that age is just a number as they rocked the house and commanded the stage.

Viewers took to social media to express their astonishment at the fact that Nelson, at 90, and Richards, at 80, are still performing live. One fan commented on their longevity, saying, "Keith Richards 80 years old and Willie Nelson 90 years old. Still playing live! Good for them! Both are Super great guys!"

Another fan highlighted Nelson's voice, saying, "I didn't realize what a great voice still has. Bravo to the both of them."

During the performance, Richards took a moment to address the audience, saying, "It's good to be here, it's good to be anywhere. Ready to go, Willie?" The two icons then performed "We Had It All" and "Live Forever" for the concert.

Despite reaching the age of 90, Nelson shows no signs of slowing down in his music career. In an interview with Fox News, he shared his thoughts on retirement, saying, "I haven't quit. I'm 90, maybe I should. Oh yeah, I quit every night. After every tour, I say this is it. And then I get the urge again to go back."

The performances at the Hollywood Bowl served as a testament to the enduring talent and passion of both Willie Nelson and Keith Richards, leaving fans in awe of their continued ability to captivate audiences with their music.

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