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Lamar Jackson Ravens AFC Standings

The Ravens took first place in the AFC after the Dolphins' loss, with Lamar Jackson leading the team to victory.

In Week 14, the Ravens received a stroke of luck when the Dolphins were upset on Monday Night Football. This loss allowed Baltimore to move into first place in the AFC, giving them control of their playoff destiny. However, Miami was only one game behind and held the tie-breaking advantage, making it crucial for the Ravens to secure a win to maintain their position.

The game against the Jaguars showcased Lamar Jackson's exceptional performance. He displayed solid passing, completing 14 of 24 attempts for 171 yards and a touchdown. However, it was his impressive rushing ability, gaining 76 yards on 11 carries, that truly made the difference. Jackson's highlight of the night was a remarkable play where he evaded the rush and completed a cross-field throw to his backup tight end, securing a crucial play for the team.

With a final score of 23-7, the Ravens now have a comfortable lead in both their division and the conference. They are two games ahead of the Browns in the AFC North and hold a one-game lead over the Dolphins. Their upcoming game against Miami could potentially determine home field advantage in the playoffs if the Dolphins secure a win against the Cowboys next weekend.

Looking ahead, the Ravens face a challenging matchup against the 49ers on Christmas Day, a game that could serve as a preview for the Super Bowl. Despite the tough competition, Baltimore remains determined to maintain their position as a top contender in the league.

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