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20-year-old wins Miss France beauty pageant short hair sparked debate

Eve Gilles, Miss France 2024, sparks debate over her short hair and body after winning, but also receives support.

Eve Gilles, a 20-year-old woman, made history when she was crowned Miss France 2024, sparking a debate about beauty standards and societal expectations. Gilles, who sported an androgynous look with short hair, received backlash from some internet commenters who accused her win of pandering to "woke culture." Despite the criticism, Gilles stood her ground, asserting that she wanted to defend the values of strong women and encourage young girls to pursue math and science, which are her current areas of study.

In addition to the comments about her hair, Gilles faced sexist remarks about her body, with some criticizing her for being "too thin." However, she remained unfazed, stating that she chose her hairstyle but did not choose her body or metabolism, and therefore could not understand why someone would criticize her for something she cannot change.

While Gilles encountered detractors, she also received support from various individuals, including Sandrine Rousseau, a member of Parliament, and Fabien Roussel, the national secretary of the French Communist Party. Both spoke out against the attacks on Gilles, emphasizing the importance of women defining themselves in all their diversity.

Gilles' victory marks a significant moment in the history of the Miss France pageant, particularly as it comes amid changes to the competition's rules to allow for greater diversity. The pageant no longer has an age limit, and women who are married, have children, or visible tattoos are now eligible to participate. Additionally, the competition has opened its doors to trans contestants. Despite these changes, the pageant stage has yet to fully reflect the diversity it claims to embrace, as evidenced by the similarities among the contestants in this year's competition.

Gilles, however, hopes to be remembered for more than just her short hair, expressing her desire to be seen as a strong, diverse, and unique woman. She aims to inspire others to realize that they can achieve their goals, regardless of where they come from or the paths they take. Ultimately, Gilles seeks to convey the message that all women are beautiful, different, and unique in their own right, and she is determined to be recognized for more than just her appearance.

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