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Celine Dion: Lost Control of Muscles Due to Stiff Person Syndrome

Céline Dion's sister Claudette has revealed that the singer has "lost control of her muscles" as she endures stiff person syndrome.

Céline Dion, the iconic singer known for hits like "My Heart Will Go On," has been facing a difficult health battle after being diagnosed with stiff person syndrome in December 2022. This rare condition has caused her to "lose control of her muscles," according to her sister Claudette Dion. Despite this, Céline still has a strong desire to return to the stage, although the extent to which she will be able to perform remains uncertain.

In a rare social media post in October, Céline shared photos of herself with her three sons at a hockey game, expressing her joy at spending time with them. This update brought joy to her fans, who flooded her comments with well-wishes and messages of support.

Céline's battle with stiff person syndrome comes after the loss of her husband and music producer René Angélil in 2016. This devastating loss has undoubtedly added to the challenges she faces.

Stiff person syndrome is a rare and progressive neurological disorder that affects about one in a million people. It can cause stiffness in the muscles of the torso, arms, and legs, making everyday activities difficult.

Despite the difficulties she is facing, Céline remains determined and resilient in the face of her health battle. Her strength and perseverance continue to inspire her fans, who eagerly await her return to the stage.

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