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Emma Hayes: Chelsea calls on European experience against BK Hacken

Chelsea boss Emma Hayes believes her team must use their experience to win in the Women's Champions League clash at BK Hacken.

Chelsea manager Emma Hayes is emphasizing the importance of drawing on their experience in the Women's Champions League as they prepare for a crucial Group D match against BK Hacken. The Blues will have the opportunity to take the top spot in the group if they can secure a victory against the Swedish team on Wednesday night.

Hayes expressed the team's mentality, stating that every game is a must-win for them. She acknowledged their disappointment with their performance in the previous week's goalless draw and emphasized the team's focus on training and preparation to improve. She also highlighted the challenge of facing BK Hacken in their home environment, anticipating a difficult and lively atmosphere.

Despite the challenges, Hayes believes that Chelsea's experience in European competition will be crucial in navigating the differences in playing conditions and the confidence of their opponents. She stressed the importance of using their experience to adapt and perform at their best.

In terms of the team's injury situation, Hayes provided updates on several players, noting that Melanie Leupolz had suffered a setback and would not be available for the upcoming match. However, Maren Mjelde and Kadeisha Buchanan were back in the squad, while Jelena Cankovic remained sidelined with a calf injury and Catarina Macario was out for the long term. Ann-Katrin Berger had recovered from an ankle knock and was available for selection.

Overall, Hayes emphasized the team's readiness to face the challenges ahead, drawing on their experience and resilience as they aim for success in the Women's Champions League.

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