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God of War creator expresses dissatisfaction with current rebooted story

"God of War" creator David Jaffe criticizes Kratos and the franchise's current storyline, sparking controversy and debate among fans.

David Jaffe, the original creator of God Of War, has recently shared his dissatisfaction with the current storyline of the franchise and the development of the character Kratos. Jaffe, known for being outspoken about his opinions, expressed his disapproval during a livestream, stating that he does not like the direction in which the character has been taken as he grows older alongside the fanbase.

Jaffe's criticism revolves around the idea that the current team of developers has infused their own personal thoughts and experiences into the character, leading to a development that may not resonate with the "core audience." He referenced an interview with IGN as an example of how the developers have applied their own experiences to the character, suggesting that this has led to a disconnect with the original fanbase.

The response to Jaffe's comments has been mixed, with some supporting his desire for the series to return to its earlier, more provocative roots, while others argue that the newer games have been well-received by a newer audience. These newer installments have been praised for the growth and development of the character, indicating a shift in the franchise's direction that has resonated with a different demographic.

Ultimately, the question remains: do you agree with Jaffe's criticism of the current God Of War storyline, or do you believe that the franchise is better now than it was before? The debate continues as fans and critics weigh in on the evolution of the beloved series.

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