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Taraji P Henson tired being underpaid Hollywood News Room Odisha

Actress Taraji P. Henson breaks down during interview, tired of being underpaid and undervalued in Hollywood, speaks out against industry.

During a recent interview with Gayle King on SiriusXM, Taraji P. Henson, best known for her role in 'Empire', became emotional as she discussed the issue of being underpaid in Hollywood. The 53-year-old actress expressed her frustration at working hard and being paid a fraction of what she deserves.

Henson emphasized that she is tired of hearing her fellow actresses express the same concerns about unfair payment in the industry. She highlighted the financial challenges that come with working in the entertainment business, noting that the math just doesn't add up when it comes to compensation. She also stressed the importance of acknowledging the entire team behind a project and ensuring that they are fairly compensated for their work.

The actress went on to explain the financial realities of working in Hollywood, including the significant portion of earnings that go towards taxes and the percentages taken by her team. She expressed her frustration at constantly having to renegotiate her worth, despite breaking glass ceilings and achieving success in her career.

Henson also addressed the issue of systemic racism in the industry, stating that she has been told that Black actors and stories don't translate overseas, leading to limited opportunities and lower pay. She argued that after more than two decades in the business, she is tired of hearing the same excuses and seeing the lack of financial support for Black productions.

In response to these challenges, Henson emphasized the importance of standing up for herself and future generations of actors. She expressed her determination to not let the industry steal her soul, and highlighted the need for change in the way Black actors and stories are valued and compensated in Hollywood.

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