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Shohei Ohtani Porsche gift Joe Kelly wife priceless reaction

Shohei Ohtani thanks Dodgers teammate's wife with a Porsche. The heartwarming gesture shows appreciation for her help in recruiting him.

Shohei Ohtani's legendary status continues to grow, and his latest act of appreciation towards Ashley Kelly, the wife of his new Los Angeles Dodgers teammate Joe Kelly, is a testament to his gratitude and generosity.

During Ohtani's free agency process, Ashley went above and beyond to help recruit him to the Dodgers. She offered clothing featuring the number 17, which Ohtani wore for the Los Angeles Angels, even though it belonged to her husband. Despite Joe Kelly's history with the number, he signed a one-year deal to stay with the Dodgers in 2024.

The campaign, dubbed #Ohtake 17, was a joint effort between Ashley and Joe as they competed with other teams to land the sought-after free agent. Their hard work paid off when Ohtani signed a 10-year deal with the Dodgers. In response, the Kelly family created a skit video in which Ashley exchanged the old No. 17 jerseys for a No. 99, symbolizing Joe's new uniform number.

In a gesture of gratitude, Ohtani surprised Ashley with a Porsche as a Christmas present. Her reaction to the generous gift was priceless, and it was a well-earned reward for her efforts.

Ohtani's gesture is a heartwarming way to thank the Kellys for their support during his transition to the Dodgers. While it's not uncommon for athletes to spend big to secure their preferred number or reward someone for giving it up, what sets Ohtani's actions apart is that it was for a teammate's family member, rather than the teammate himself.

Despite Ohtani's upcoming absence from the mound due to Tommy John surgery, his bond with Joe Kelly and their shared goal of leading the Dodgers to a World Series in 2024 remains strong. The addition of Yoshinobu Yamamoto to the Dodgers on a long-term deal only strengthens their pursuit of this common goal.

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