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Travis, Jason Kelce settle debate: "Die Hard" Christmas movie or not?

Travis and Jason Kelce debate whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie, with Travis saying no, while Jason says it's versatile.

Travis Kelce and his brother Jason are of the opinion that it's completely acceptable to watch the movie Die Hard around Christmas time. Despite their stardom in their respective NFL teams, the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles, the brothers seem to have found common ground on the age-old debate of whether Die Hard should be classified as a Christmas movie.

During a recent episode of the New Heights podcast, Travis and Jason discussed the topic, with Travis asserting that Die Hard is not a Christmas movie, while Jason agreed, emphasizing that it is a versatile movie that can be enjoyed at any time of the year, not just during the holiday season. According to Jason, Die Hard does not strictly fall under the category of a Christmastime movie and can be watched during any season.

Although Jason admitted that he hasn't watched Die Hard in a while, Travis vividly described the movie, highlighting the action-packed scenes and the multiple sequels that have been produced. Interestingly, even the people involved in making the movie are divided on whether Die Hard should be considered a Christmas movie, as evidenced by a tweet from screenwriter Stephen E. de Souza.

Travis also reminisced about his childhood memories of visiting the filming location of Die Hard in Cleveland, Ohio, and the festive atmosphere that it evoked. He expressed his preference for funny Christmas movies like Elf and Four Christmases, stating that he is more inclined towards comedy during the holiday season.

As the brothers prepare for their respective NFL games on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, they may have to save their movie viewing for later in the evening, given their busy schedules. Travis and the Chiefs are scheduled to play the Las Vegas Raiders at 1 p.m., while Jason and the Eagles will take on the New York Giants at 4:30 p.m. Despite their differing opinions on Die Hard, it's clear that the Kelce brothers are both looking forward to celebrating the holiday season in their own unique ways.

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