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Color Purple writer explains emotional reason for Whoopi Goldberg cameo

Goldberg makes surprise cameo in new musical adaptation of The Color Purple, bringing emotional depth and nostalgia to the film.

In the new musical adaptation of The Color Purple, director Blitz Bazawule made a surprising decision to bring back original Celie actress Whoopi Goldberg for a small role. After appearing in the 1985 version of the film, Goldberg returned to play a local midwife who helps the new star, Phylicia Pearl Mpasi's version of Celie, deliver a baby.

Screenwriter Marcus Gardley expressed his long-standing desire to include Goldberg in the new movie, considering her for the role of Celie's mother before ultimately deciding on the midwife role. He described the decision as "symbolically perfect," as it felt like Goldberg was passing down the role she had originally given birth to. Bazawule added that Goldberg's presence on set was warm and comical, bringing a caring and loving energy to the scene.

Goldberg originally starred in Steven Spielberg's 1985 adaptation of The Color Purple, which earned 11 Oscar nominations, including one for Best Picture. The new film, produced by Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey, has generated significant attention on the awards circuit, with standout performances from Fantasia Barrino and Danielle Brooks.

The Color Purple is now showing in theaters nationwide, offering a fresh take on Alice Walker's literary classic with a surprise cameo from a key figure in the tale's storied past.

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