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Kahhori Review: Blows Away Ms. Marvel - What If Analysis and Comparison

Marvel finally gets it right with new diverse character in "What If... Kahhori Reshaped The World" episode. Fantastic storytelling and ending.

Marvel has finally introduced a diverse character who is not only well-received but also not just a token for diversity. The "What If... Kahhori Reshaped The World" episode is receiving rave reviews for its fantastic storytelling and character development.

In less than thirty minutes, this episode has managed to do what entire series and movies have failed to do in the past. Kahhori is a brand new character who does not replace existing characters and does not alienate fans or disrespect the source material. The hero's journey that she embarks on is captivating and the ending is truly remarkable.

This is in stark contrast to the character of Ms. Marvel, who was introduced to replace an existing character, Carol Danvers, in the name of diversity. Ms. Marvel's story lacked depth and development, and the character was simply given powers without any real journey or struggle. Kahhori's story, on the other hand, is rich with depth and meaning. Her journey begins when her village is attacked, and she discovers powers that she uses to save her tribe, but also to make peace, rather than seeking revenge.

The episode takes viewers on a journey where the Tesseract is shattered and lands on Earth, creating a portal to another world. Kahhori falls through this portal and discovers a paradise where others like her have become immortal. However, she is determined to return home and save her village, leading to a thrilling showdown with the Spanish attackers.

The episode does not stop there, as it takes viewers to Spain where Kahhori and her people confront Queen Isabella. The unexpected appearance of Strange Supreme adds another layer of excitement to the story.

Overall, this episode has managed to achieve what Marvel has struggled to do with its previous attempts at diversity, and it has done so in a concise and impactful manner. The storytelling and character development are top-notch, and the episode leaves viewers wanting more. It is a testament to Marvel's ability to create compelling and diverse characters without sacrificing quality or storytelling. Even moments that could be considered cringe-worthy are easily overlooked considering the overall impact of the episode. It's a marvel that has the potential to stand on its own as a series, and it's reminiscent of Marvel's The Last Airbender.

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