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Gaston Glock, founder of Glock firearms, dies at 93

"Colorado Springs mother wanted in double homicide of children. Gaston Glock, creator of famous pistol, dies at 94 years old."

Gaston Glock, the inventor of the famous Glock semi-automatic pistol, passed away at the age of 94 on December 27. The Glock pistol is widely recognized and has a love/hate relationship among gun enthusiasts. It has made appearances in pop culture, such as in the movie Die Hard II, and is the most widely used pistol in police departments in the United States and in security forces in nearly 50 nations.

Gaston Glock was not initially in the firearms business until he overheard a conversation about a new military contract for a pistol. He used his engineering background to design and patent the Glock pistol, which was known for its lightweight polymer frame and striker-fire mechanism. This design marked a significant change in the manufacture of pistols and led to the production of an inexpensive, reliable, and accurate pistol.

Gaston Glock was born in Vienna, Austria in 1929. He had a successful career and business, and the Glock firearms quickly gained popularity, becoming a $100 million per year business by the 1990s. In 1999, Glock survived an assassination attempt by his financial adviser, Charles Ewert, who was later convicted of attempted murder.

Despite the attempt on his life, Glock lived a mostly reclusive life. He married his second wife, Kathrin Tschikof, at the age of 82. His divorce from his first wife, Helga, was messy and involved legal battles over alimony and company stakes.

The Glock company continued to grow and is now known for manufacturing a variety of pistols in different sizes, calibers, and styles. Over 20 million Glocks have been made, and the company sells about 1 million in the U.S. every year. The Glock pistol is widely used by police departments in the U.S. and has even been adopted by the U.S. Secret Service.

In conclusion, Gaston Glock's legacy lives on through the success and popularity of the Glock pistol, which has become an iconic firearm worldwide.

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