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NFL Week 17 Matchup: Bet on Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott to Continue Carving up Man Coverage

PFF data scientists use studies to predict performance, identifying matchups and betting markets overlooked. Cowboys offense may outperform Lions defense.

PFF data scientists have spent years conducting studies to understand and predict performance in sports. These studies have contributed to the conversation and have a lasting impact. The goal is to apply these findings to weekly matchups and identify interactions that the betting market may have overlooked.

Some bets will focus on traditional markets, while others will explore more exotic markets to find the best opportunities. For example, the market is already factoring in the struggles of the Lions' defense against the Cowboys' offense, but there may still be untapped potential in the Cowboys' performance.

In recent games, the Lions have been utilizing man coverage at a high rate, which tends to showcase the true talent on the field. However, even with this strategy, the Lions' defense may still struggle against CeeDee Lamb, a dominant receiver in man coverage.

The Cowboys have been highly successful against man coverage, particularly with Dak Prescott leading the offense. As a result, betting opportunities may include overs for Prescott's passing props, the Cowboys' team total, and same-game parlays focused on the Cowboys' offense performing well.

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