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Japan earthquake: Indian Embassy emergency room, contact numbers issued

Indian Embassy in Japan sets up emergency room for Indian citizens after strong earthquake and tsunami warnings. Tokyo, Japan. #Earthquake #Tsunami

The Indian Embassy in Japan has taken swift action in response to a powerful earthquake and tsunami warnings on January 1. In a statement shared on social media, the embassy announced the establishment of an emergency control room and provided contact numbers for Indian citizens in need of assistance.

The earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.5, struck central Japan, prompting a tsunami warning for the country's western coast. The intensity of the earthquake was measured at 7 on the Japanese scale, with its epicenter located 42 km North-East of Anamizu, Japan. The earthquake also caused buildings in central Tokyo to shake.

Tsunami waves reached heights of 80 cm in Toyama Prefecture and 40 meters in Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture. Coastal areas of Ishikawa, Niigata, Toyama, and Yamagata prefectures were urged to evacuate due to the tsunami warning, with waves reaching over 1.2 meters at the Noto Peninsula's Wajima Port in Ishikawa.

The Prime Minister's Office in Japan issued instructions to provide timely and accurate information to the public, ensure thorough measures to prevent damage, and coordinate closely with local governments to prioritize human life above all else. The assessment of damages due to the earthquake is still awaited.

The Indian Embassy's swift response and the Japanese government's efforts to ensure public safety in the face of this natural disaster demonstrate the importance of preparedness and coordinated response in times of crisis. It is crucial for citizens to stay informed and follow official instructions to ensure their safety and well-being.

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