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Paz Padilla surreal decoration Three Kings Day surpassed every year

Paz Padilla and her daughter Anna Ferrer are Christmas lovers. This year, Paz surprised Anna with a fully wrapped house.

Paz Padilla and her daughter, Anna Ferrer, are known for their love of Christmas, and Three Kings Day is a particularly special occasion for them. Every year, Paz goes all out to decorate her living room and prepare for a family meal to celebrate this magical day. This year was no different, and Paz once again surprised her daughter with a stunning decoration that caught the attention of social media.

Despite Anna's upcoming 27th birthday in February, she still holds a deep passion for this special day, and Paz never fails to leave her speechless with the elaborate themes she comes up with each year. This year, the entire house was wrapped in green paper, with handmade nutcrackers and other Christmas decorations adorning every corner. In a video shared by Paz, Anna enters the living room to find all the gifts and decorations blending seamlessly with the room, accompanied by the festive sounds of Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You."

Anna took to her social media to express her gratitude, sharing her excitement and love for the tradition her mother upholds every year. The post received an outpouring of positive comments from followers, praising Paz's dedication and creativity. However, amidst the praise, there were also criticisms about the excessive use of wrapping paper and the environmental impact it carries. Some followers expressed concern about the wastefulness of using so much paper, especially when considering those who may not have enough to eat.

Despite the mixed reactions, Paz's commitment to maintaining the tradition and bringing joy to her family on Three Kings Day is evident. Her elaborate decorations and thoughtful surprises continue to captivate her audience, showcasing the love and enthusiasm she pours into this magical celebration year after year.

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