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Chaos Gods Marvel Gauntlet Battles Comic Vine

The Warp is an infinite ocean of mind and emotion, where universes can be created and destroyed with a random thought. Chaos is older than time.

The Warp is a complex and intricate part of the multi/omniverse, intricately connected to it in ways that are beyond human comprehension. Chaos, in its limited perception of the omni-verse, thrives in this infinite ocean of mind and emotion. The daemon moves with Stele, waiting and watching for the perfect moment to strike, reveling in the fear and tearing its prey to soul-shreds. Missiles that leave Warpspace at the wrong point could end up anywhere in any of the million universes.

Thoughts have the power to create or destroy thousands of universes in the warp. Chaos is older than time itself, a creature older than time was thwarted in its ambitions, and the sheer mind-boggling impossibility of the Warp defies explanation. The Realm of Chaos, also known as the Warp, the Immaterium or Warpspace, is a dimension parallel to our own, a universe devoid of matter and life, without laws of time and space.

The Empy holds reality against Chaos consuming the universe throughout space time. Physically fettered, chained atop mountainous banks of machinery, the Emperor's mind stretches out through space and time, a light in a vast gulf of blackness. Daemons are destruction and anarchy incarnate, lusting after the flesh, blood, and souls of living creatures, seeking only to destroy and engulf the material universe within Warp space. The Warp is a roiling, howling maelstrom of force and energy, utterly unpredictable and not subject to the rational laws and linear flow of time in the way that physical reality is. The Warp is a dimension utterly incomprehensible to mortal minds, a psychic visionscape known as the Realm of Chaos.

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