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Pierce Brosnan, Paul Michael Glaser Pay Tribute to Brother David Soul

Starsky & Hutch actor David Soul dies aged 80. Tributes flood in. Brosnan, Glaser and Stiller pay respects. Soul starred in many TV series.

David Soul, a beloved actor known for his role as Detective Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson in the iconic 1970s crime-solving TV series Starsky & Hutch, passed away at the age of 80. His wife, Helen Snell, announced his death on Friday, stating that he had bravely battled for his life in the presence of his loving family.

Following his passing, numerous tributes poured in from colleagues and friends, including Pierce Brosnan and Paul Michael Glaser. Brosnan, who starred alongside Soul in the TV mini-series The Manions of America, expressed his condolences on Instagram, recalling their friendship and shared experiences while working together. Glaser, who portrayed Detective Dave Starsky in Starsky & Hutch, referred to Soul as a brother and a caring man in a heartfelt statement to People magazine, expressing his difficulty in coming to terms with the loss.

Born in Chicago in 1943, Soul spent his early years between South Dakota and post-Second World War Berlin. His father, Dr. Richard Solberg, was a professor and an ordained minister, which led the family to Berlin, where he served as a religious affairs adviser to the US high commission. Soul's career began as a musician, appearing on The Merv Griffin Show and in the 1960s dolphin series Flipper. He then transitioned to acting, appearing in various TV series and films, including Star Trek, Here Come The Brides, and Perry Mason.

Soul's breakthrough role came as officer John Davis in Clint Eastwood's police film, which eventually led to his iconic role in Starsky & Hutch. He achieved further success in the UK with chart-topping hits such as "Don't Give Up On Us" and "Silver Lady," solidifying his status as a multi-talented entertainer.

In addition to his acting career, Soul made his mark on the West End stage, starring in the award-winning play Blood Brothers and taking on the role of the infamous talk show host in Jerry Springer - The Opera. His versatility and talent were widely recognized and celebrated by fans and colleagues alike, leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.

David Soul's legacy will undoubtedly live on through his work and the memories he created, leaving behind a profound impact on those who knew and admired him. His contributions to the world of entertainment will be remembered and cherished for years to come.

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