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Brie Larson meets JLo at 2024 Golden Globes

Oscar winner Brie Larson fangirled over Jennifer Lopez at Golden Globes, revealing how much she inspired her. Tequila shot needed!

At the 81st Golden Globe Award ceremony in Beverly Hills, Oscar winner Brie Larson had a surreal encounter with her idol, Jennifer Lopez. During an interview on the red carpet with Entertainment Tonight, Larson expressed how overwhelming it was to be in the presence of so many legendary celebrities. She was in awe as she saw Oprah Winfrey walk by and then turned around to find Lopez standing behind her, exclaiming, "Oh, my God! I'm going to cry. I can't deal with J.Lo."

Lopez approached Larson, who was visibly shaken and holding her hands to her face. The two stars hugged, and Lopez expressed her admiration for Larson, who then poured her heart out, revealing that watching Lopez in 'Selena' had inspired her to become an actor. Larson thanked Lopez for the impact she had on her career and praised her work ethic.

After their heartfelt exchange, Larson joked about needing a shot of tequila to calm down from the excitement. The encounter was a dream come true for Larson, and it was a touching moment of admiration and appreciation between two talented women.

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