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Tiger Woods Nike partnership ending: Golf legend announces

"Tiger Woods ends 27-year partnership with Nike" - Golf legend parts ways with iconic brand, hints at new chapter in LA.

Tiger Woods recently announced that he is ending his long-term partnership with Nike, marking the end of a nearly 30-year relationship with the iconic sporting brand. The 15-time Major champion took to Twitter to express his gratitude to Nike for their support since he first signed with the company in 1996, a deal that reportedly earned Woods $500 million over 27 years.

Woods reflected on the incredible moments and memories he has shared with Nike, thanking former Nike CEO Phil Knight for his vision and passion that brought the partnership to life. While Woods did not reveal details about any new sponsor, he hinted at unveiling "another chapter" at next month's Genesis Invitational in Los Angeles.

Throughout his career, Woods and Nike became synonymous, with the brand expanding from clothing to balls and clubs, driven in part by Woods' success in expanding golf's global appeal. Nike paid tribute to Woods' achievements, acknowledging his impact on the sport and the barriers he broke as the son of an African-American father and Thai mother.

Despite facing personal challenges, including a highly publicized sex scandal in 2009 and a serious car crash in 2021, Nike remained a steadfast supporter of Woods. However, signs that the partnership was coming to an end emerged following Woods' switch to Footjoy shoes after the accident, leading to speculation about the status of his Nike deal.

While Woods remained coy about the renewal of his 10-year contract with Nike, his decision to end the partnership marks the end of an era in golf. As he looks ahead to the future, Woods expressed excitement about the next chapter and the new opportunities that lie ahead.

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