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Iowa women's basketball gears up for major clash with Indiana, pending travel opportunities

Iowa's win over Purdue. Indiana coach Teri Moren used the word "rivalry" to describe the upcoming matchup at Carver-Hawkeye Arena.

Iowa's win over Purdue was a big deal for the team, and it's no wonder that the upcoming matchup against Indiana is generating a lot of buzz. Indiana coach Teri Moren has referred to the game as a "rivalry," and the anticipation leading up to the clash at Carver-Hawkeye Arena is palpable. Both teams have strong programs and talented players, and the game is expected to be a high-stakes showdown.

The winter weather has thrown a curveball into the mix, with Indiana's travel plans being affected. However, both teams are preparing for the game as scheduled, and the matchup is expected to be a headlining event.

Indiana has been making waves in the women's basketball scene, with coach Teri Moren building a strong program that has seen success in recent seasons. Last year, the Hoosiers reached the Elite Eight and Sweet 16, and this season, they hold a 14-1 overall record. Meanwhile, Iowa has been propelled to new heights by superstar Caitlin Clark, who has captured the attention of the basketball world with her thrilling performances. The Hawkeyes also hold an impressive 16-1 record this season.

The game is set to be a showdown between two star players, with Caitlin Clark leading the charge for Iowa and post-player Mackenzie Holmes making her mark for Indiana. Both teams also have strong supporting casts, and the outcome of the game could hinge on the performances of these players.

In addition to being a highly-anticipated matchup, the game between Indiana and Iowa could have major implications in this season's Big Ten title race. Both teams enter the game with a 5-0 conference record, and the clash is expected to be the first of two regular season meetings between the teams. With so much at stake, the game is sure to be an exciting and closely contested affair.

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