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Harrison Ford Thanks Wife Calista Flockhart at Critics Choice Awards

Harrison Ford thanks wife Calista Flockhart in emotional Critics' Choice Awards speech, celebrates diversity in Hollywood. Crowd gives standing ovation.

At the Critics' Choice Awards, 81-year-old Ford received the Career Achievement Award and made sure to give a special shoutout to his wife, Calista Flockhart, 59, for being his rock. The American Graffiti actor jokingly thanked Flockhart for supporting him when he needs a lot of support, saying he needs a lot of it. His speech was brief, but he expressed gratitude not only to Flockhart, but also to those who have believed in him and helped him throughout his time in Hollywood. Ford attributed his success to a combination of luck and the work of wonderful directors, writers, and filmmakers, expressing his immense gratitude for the honor. The audience, including many of Ford's co-stars such as Ryan Gosling, Jason Segel, and Brendan Fraser, gave him a standing ovation as he took the stage and as he exited. Ford also took a moment to acknowledge the diversity of the nominees and audience members, expressing his happiness about the positive changes in the industry since the start of his career in 1966.

Flockhart, who watched from the audience, tearfully smiled and clapped for her husband of nearly 14 years. The couple began dating in 2002 after meeting at the Golden Globes, where Ford was accepting the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award and Flockhart's series, Ally McBeal, was nominated for Best Comedy Series.

Ford's heartfelt speech and the support of his wife made for a memorable moment at the Critics' Choice Awards. For more highlights from the event, be sure to check out the links below.

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