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Paul Felder UFC comeback, Jim Miller callout, leaning towards wanting to do

Paul Felder is considering an MMA comeback, inspired by The Korean Zombie. Jim Miller calling him out for UFC 300 may have swayed his decision.

Former UFC fighter Paul Felder is considering a return to the sport after being called out by Jim Miller for a fight at UFC 300. Felder, who retired in 2021, has been working as a color commentator for UFC broadcasts and participating in triathlons and acting gigs. However, watching "The Korean Zombie" Chan Sung Jung's final fight inspired him to think about making a comeback.

Felder re-entered the UFC's anti-doping program in August, but has not made a final decision on returning to the octagon. However, the opportunity to face a veteran like Miller at UFC 300 may be the push he needs to make a comeback.

Felder expressed his interest in fighting Miller, citing the veteran's experience and skill as a major factor. Miller's callout of Felder after his recent win further fueled the possibility of the fight happening. However, Felder acknowledges that the decision ultimately lies with the UFC and is unsure if they will approve the matchup.

Despite not having fought for over two years, Felder remains in top physical condition due to his training and participation in endurance sports. He plans to discuss a potential comeback with his family while waiting for the UFC's decision.

Felder understands the challenges and risks associated with returning to MMA and is not rushing into a decision. He acknowledges the physical and emotional toll that fighting takes on athletes and is considering all aspects before making a final choice. Whether or not he decides to return to the sport, Felder is at peace with his decision and is focused on what is best for him and his family.

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