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Richard Simmons Pan Pauly Shore Biopic Resurfaces

Richard Simmons has disavowed a biopic, but the film's producers plan to continue pre-production and honor his privacy.

The producers of a biopic about Richard Simmons have stated that they will continue with the film despite the fitness guru's disavowal of the project. Simmons, who has been living a quiet life out of the public eye, has said that he has not given his permission for the movie. However, the producers have expressed their respect for his desire for privacy and their intention to honor him with the film. They have also emphasized the impact Simmons has had on the world and the need to recognize his contributions.

The project was announced by the Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros., with comedic actor Pauly Shore set to star as Simmons. The president of the organization, Mark Wolper, has stated that they are in discussions with a major writer to develop the script for the movie. Despite Simmons' public disavowal of the project, Shore has expressed his excitement about portraying the fitness guru in the biopic.

Simmons, who has been living a life of seclusion, has not appeared at a public event since 2014. His visible absence has led to speculation about his well-being, with rumors of him being held hostage or abused. However, Simmons has assured his fans that he is fine and has promised to come back strong. Despite his disavowal of the biopic, the producers are determined to move forward with the project and celebrate the impact Simmons has had on the world.

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