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Peter Scanavino's character on Law and Order: SVU - Everything You Need to Know

Peter Scanavino plays a pivotal character in Law & Order universe. His character, Sonny Carisi, has been a fan favorite.

Peter Scanavino is a well-known actor in the Law and Order universe, having appeared on both Law & Order: SVU and Law and Order: Organized Crime. The character he plays, Sonny Carisi, is a pivotal figure in the longest-running primetime drama series of all time, Law & Order: SVU.

Sonny Carisi's journey began in 2014 when he started as a detective with the SVU in the show's 16th season. Over time, he transitioned to become an Assistant District Attorney, showcasing his growth and development throughout the series.

In a promo clip for the show in 2014, Scanavino described his character as "brusk," highlighting his rough-around-the-edges nature and lack of experience in handling cases. However, he also emphasized Carisi's potential, stating that he was a good detective who still had much to learn.

The end of season 23 left some fans wondering if Peter Scanavino was leaving Law and Order, as his character, Carisi, had a significant development. Detective Amanda Rollins and Carisi got married, and Rollins expressed her intention to leave the squad for a new job, leading some to speculate that she might be moving away. However, it was later revealed that she had taken a position as a professor at Fordham University, confirming that Carisi would remain in the city as part of the SVU team and on the show.

With season 25 set to return on Thursday, January 18, 2024, fans can continue to follow the journey of Peter Scanavino's character, Sonny Carisi, on Law & Order: SVU, which airs on Thursdays at 9 pm ET.

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