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Coco Gauff: Attitude of Champion, Say Seven-Time Grand Slam Winner - Tennis365

Coco Gauff praised by Mats Wilander for her attitude and maturity as she advances to her first-ever Australian Open quarter-final.

Coco Gauff's impressive run at the Australian Open has earned her praise from tennis legend Mats Wilander. Wilander commended Gauff's attitude and maturity, noting her continued upward trajectory since her US Open win. Gauff's recent victory over Magdalena Frech of Poland secured her spot in the Australian Open quarter-finals, marking her first time reaching this stage of the tournament. Gauff expressed her excitement and determination to continue advancing in the competition, emphasizing her goal to keep pushing forward. Wilander highlighted Gauff's growth and resilience, particularly in the face of pressure as the defending US Open champion. While Gauff has yet to face a seeded player in Melbourne, her flawless record and dominant performances are evidence of her skill and determination. As she prepares to face Marta Kostyuk in the quarter-finals, Gauff's unwavering focus and positive mindset continue to set her apart on the court. With her sights set on a potential semi-final matchup against top-ranked opponents, Gauff's journey at the Australian Open reflects her unwavering commitment to success and growth in the sport.

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