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Philadelphia Eagles fire defensive coordinator Sean Desai

Philadelphia Eagles part ways with defensive coordinator Sean Desai after disappointing 2023 season, looking for new defensive coordinator. Candidates include Martindale, Nielsen, Staley.

The Philadelphia Eagles have made the decision to part ways with defensive coordinator Sean Desai after a disappointing defensive season in 2023. Senior defensive assistant Matt Patricia will also not be returning. The Eagles' defense, which was a strength in 2022, struggled with pass rush and secondary in 2023, leading to the decision to make changes at the coaching level.

The team's 25-9 loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the NFC Wild Card round was a significant factor in this decision. After a dominant defensive season in 2022, the Eagles' struggles in 2023 were viewed as detrimental to the team's success. The organization is now in search of a new defensive coordinator to take over lead responsibilities.

The Eagles' defense in 2022 was one of the league's most exciting, with a strong ability to generate pressure and a solid secondary. However, in 2023, the team's secondary showed signs of aging and durability, while the pass rush dropped from leading the league in sacks to 20th. This decline is evident in the statistical comparison of the team's defensive performance in 2022 and 2023.

There was speculation about Desai's departure following the team's 33-13 loss in Week 14 to the Dallas Cowboys, which led to Patricia taking over playcalling responsibilities. However, the team's performance did not improve significantly, leading to the decision to move on from both Desai and Patricia.

The Eagles are now considering potential candidates for the open defensive coordinator position, including Wink Martindale, Ryan Nielsen, and Brandon Staley. Martindale, in particular, is seen as a strong candidate due to his ability to generate pressure and create sacks, which would align well with the Philadelphia front seven.

Other candidates worth consideration for the position include Ryan Nielsen, Brandon Staley, Glenn Schumann, and Ejiro Evero. While some of these candidates may need approval from their current organizations to interview for a lateral position move, the Eagles are optimistic about the opportunity to start fresh with new leadership for their experienced defensive unit.

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