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Best Picture Nominees: The Zone of Interest, American Fiction, Barbie - Oscar Bump for Box Office Numbers

"Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" lead in box office earnings for Best Picture nominees, while "Maestro" aims to attract audiences with limited release.

"Maestro" had a brief stint in theaters, and while its box office numbers remain undisclosed, it is believed to have pulled in around $300,000 during its five-day opening in eight theaters. On the other hand, "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" have emerged as frontrunners for the Best Picture category at the upcoming Academy Awards, boasting record-breaking earnings. "Barbie" has amassed a staggering $1.45 billion globally, with $636 million from domestic sales, while "Oppenheimer" has raked in $952 million worldwide, with $326 million from domestic box office receipts.

Meanwhile, "Poor Things" and "The Zone of Interest" have not achieved the same financial success as their fellow nominees, but they are actively working to expand their reach and attract more moviegoers. "Poor Things" has brought in $33.9 million globally, just under its reported $35 million budget, and has recently tripled its number of domestic theaters to 1,400. Similarly, "The Zone of Interest" and "American Fiction" have grossed under $10 million worldwide, but are in the process of expanding to more domestic theaters, with 82 and 850 theaters, respectively.

As for "Maestro," its limited theatrical release and lack of box office figures from production company Netflix have left its impact uncertain. However, estimates suggest that the film's brief run in eight theaters brought in around $300,000. Despite this, "Maestro" is aiming to make a lasting impression and draw in audiences leading up to the Academy Awards.

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