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Tristan Thompson Failed Drug Test, Lengthy Game Suspension Imminent

Tristan Thompson suspended from NBA for violating anti-drug policy, testing positive for banned substances. Potential side effects are alarming.

Tristan Thompson, a well-known NBA player, has recently been suspended from over a dozen games due to a violation of the professional sports league's anti-drug policy. The basketball association officially announced the suspension on Tuesday, Jan. 23, stating that Thompson would be suspended without pay for 25 games, starting with the Cleveland Cavaliers' upcoming game against the Milwaukee Bucks on Jan. 24.

The NBA's statement revealed that the 32-year-old athlete, who has two children with his on-again-off-again ex Khloe Kardashian, tested positive for ibutamoren and SARM LGD-4033, also known as Ligandrol, violating the terms of the NBA/NBPA Anti-Drug Program. Ibutamoren is known to increase levels of Human Growth Hormone (hGH) in the body and has been banned in professional sports due to its dangerous side effects, including swelling, anxiety, numbness, and muscle pain. Similarly, Ligandrol was designed to promote fat burning, muscle, and strength building, but it has been banned due to potential side effects such as an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and liver damage.

Thompson, a championship player who has had stints with various NBA teams, has not publicly addressed the suspension. Meanwhile, his ex-partner Khloe Kardashian's sister, Kourtney Kardashian, has recently explained why she is 'so triggered' by the situation with Thompson.

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