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T.J. Holmes Amy Robach save $3,000 alcohol Dry January reveal

T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach reveal their alcohol habits and how they're doing Dry January in their podcast.

In the most recent episode of their podcast, "Amy and T.J.", T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach opened up about their relationship with alcohol, particularly as they participate in Dry January. They shared details about their usual alcohol intake, with Holmes admitting to consuming up to 18 drinks a day and Robach averaging over 30 drinks a week. Both acknowledged feeling embarrassed by these numbers and expressed a desire to reexamine their relationship with alcohol.

The couple also revealed that in the month of December, they spent a staggering $2,869 on alcohol alone. They emphasized that while this financial aspect was significant, their decision to participate in Dry January was primarily driven by the need to reset their relationship with alcohol. They attributed their excessive drinking in 2023 to the stress caused by the loss of their jobs following a relationship scandal.

Despite the challenges, both Holmes and Robach are feeling positive about their decision to participate in Dry January. They noted feeling amazing and even experiencing weight loss since the start of the year. Robach admitted that she might not have felt brave enough to commit to the challenge if Holmes hadn't decided to do it with her. Both emphasized that the decision to cut out alcohol has been the only major change in their lifestyle, and they are already reaping the benefits.

The candid conversation between Holmes and Robach sheds light on the complexity of their relationship with alcohol and the impact it has had on their lives. By openly discussing their experiences, they hope to inspire others to reevaluate their own habits and consider the benefits of making a change. Their podcast serves as a platform for honest conversations about personal struggles and the journey towards positive transformation.

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