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Bradley Cooper Carey Mulligan hospital met

Bradley Cooper and Carey Mulligan recall how their first meeting ended with Mulligan in the hospital, leading to a job offer.

Carey Mulligan recalled how her injury on stage during a one-woman show ultimately led to her getting a job, making it all worth it. The injury occurred when she was performing a 90-minute monologue and was hit on the head by a piece of the set, leaving her in tears and needing to be taken to the emergency room.

Interestingly, this incident mirrored the relationship between Mulligan and her Maestro co-star Bradley Cooper, who directed the film and plays the legendary composer Leonard Bernstein. Cooper's first encounter with Mulligan took place when he went to see her perform in the West Village of Manhattan. He was struck by how much she resembled Felicia Montealegre, Bernstein's wife, and went to meet her backstage. However, the meeting was cut short when Mulligan was injured on stage.

Despite the unexpected turn of events, the incident ultimately led to Mulligan getting a job, as she and Cooper bonded during the emergency room visit. The two actors shared this amusing anecdote on The Graham Norton Show, highlighting the serendipitous nature of their first meeting and the unexpected way it solidified their working relationship.

The Maestro film, in which Cooper and Mulligan star, has been nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor for Cooper, and Best Actress for Mulligan. This recognition further emphasizes the significance of their collaboration and the impact of their initial meeting, which ultimately brought them together to work on such a prestigious project.

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