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Dwyane Wade aims to win an Oscar and follow Kobe Bryant's Hollywood footsteps

Dwyane Wade nominated for Oscar for short-film The Barber of Little Rock, inspired by Kobe Bryant's success, and involved in fashion industry.

Dwyane Wade, the legendary shooting guard, has recently been nominated for an Oscar as an executive producer of the short-film titled The Barber of Little Rock. This documentary follows the story of Arlo Washington, a barber from Little Rock, Arkansas, and his journey to establish a nonprofit community bank in the area to help others achieve financial stability.

The film, executive produced by Wade, sheds light on the wealth gap in the area and has garnered significant attention. It has earned a spot on The New Yorker's documentary series list, showcasing the best short films, and has been nominated for an Oscar, drawing comparisons to the late Kobe Bryant's award-winning Dear Basketball short film.

During a recent appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Wade discussed the inspiration behind the project, citing Kobe Bryant's success at the Oscars. Wade expressed his desire to win an Oscar of his own, following in the footsteps of the basketball icon.

In addition to his involvement in the film industry, Wade has also made a name for himself in the fashion industry. He is known for setting trends, such as popularizing 3/4 length capri pants among NBA players. His latest venture in the fashion world involves a new eyewear campaign with Versace.

During an interview with Fallon, Wade shared a humorous anecdote about mispronouncing the Versace brand name during his first campaign with the fashion house. The incident led to a lighthearted moment on set, highlighting Wade's willingness to embrace new experiences and learn from them.

The Oscars ceremony will take place on March 10th, providing Wade with an opportunity to further solidify his legacy and follow in the footsteps of his friend and fellow basketball legend, Kobe Bryant.

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