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Jay Leno files conservatorship wife struggles with dementia

Comedian Jay Leno files for conservatorship over wife Mavis, who has Alzheimer's, to ensure her care after his death.

Comedian Jay Leno has been married to his wife Mavis for 43 years, but now he is facing a difficult situation. Mavis has been suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and Jay has filed for conservatorship over her affairs. In a court petition, Jay expressed concern about what would happen to Mavis if he were to die before her. He stated that she has been progressively losing capacity and orientation to space and time for several years, rendering her incapable of executing the estate plan.

The news of Mavis's diagnosis has not been widely publicized, so it is unclear how long she has been struggling with the disease. However, a hearing for the conservatorship request is reportedly scheduled for April 9, 2024. The Lenos do not have children, so Jay is making provisions to ensure that he can execute estate plans for Mavis and her brother, who is her sole living heir.

Mavis Leno has been known for her political activism and advocacy for progressive causes. She has been a board member of the Feminist Majority Foundation and has chaired its Campaign for Afghan Women and Girls. The foundation's campaign for Afghan women was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Mavis and Jay Leno have also made significant donations to support global women's rights programs.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, author Sue Smalley expressed her admiration for Mavis, describing her as someone with a strong sense of purpose, compassion, and curiosity. She also noted Mavis's punctuality and lack of need for hair and makeup, highlighting her down-to-earth nature.

It is clear that Jay Leno is deeply concerned about his wife's well-being and is taking steps to ensure that she is cared for, even after he is gone. His love and commitment to Mavis are evident, and he is determined to do everything he can to support her during this challenging time.

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