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Mona Lisa splattered pumpkin soup protesters Paris

Environmental group Riposte Alimentaire has claimed credit for the Louvre Museum demonstration where the Mona Lisa was splattered with pumpkin soup.

Environmental group Riposte Alimentaire made headlines on Sunday with a demonstration at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The group's activists splattered Leonardo da Vinci's iconic Mona Lisa with pumpkin soup in an effort to raise awareness about food insecurity in France. Despite the incident, the painting, which is protected by bulletproof glass, was not damaged.

The Louvre released a statement confirming the incident and indicated that the museum would be lodging a complaint. Security video footage captured the two activists throwing the liquid onto the painting, causing a stir among visitors in the display area. The women then revealed t-shirts with the group's name written across their chests.

Riposte Alimentaire later claimed credit for the demonstration on social media, stating that they were demanding the establishment of Sustainable Food Social Security. The group highlighted the issue of food insecurity in France, where one in three people skip meals due to a lack of means, while 20% of food produced is wasted.

The group's proposal calls for food to be added to the social security safety net, with each resident receiving a card topped up with 150 euros a month to purchase pre-approved products. This demonstration comes amidst protests by farmers in France's agricultural areas against government regulations and rising fuel prices.

As the activists were led away by Louvre security, museum staff worked to clean up the mess and reopened the room to visitors later that day. This incident is not the first time the Mona Lisa has been targeted, with past attacks including defacements and theft.

French Minister for Culture Rachida Dati condemned the attack, emphasizing that the Mona Lisa and other cultural heritage belong to future generations and should not be targeted for any cause. The incident has sparked discussions about the protection of valuable artworks and the broader issues of food insecurity and social support in France.

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