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Warriors HC Steve Kerr honest opinion bringing Draymond Green back Dubs starting lineup

Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr says Draymond Green is ready to start, a pivotal move for the team.

The Golden State Warriors are facing a pivotal moment as head coach Steve Kerr has announced that controversial veteran Draymond Green is ready to reclaim his role as a starter. Green, known for his defensive prowess and leadership on the court, has been absent from the starting lineup since returning from a suspension that garnered significant attention and scrutiny. Kerr's candid assessment sheds light on the team's strategy to reintegrate Green and the expectations that come with it.

The return of Draymond Green to the starting lineup is a crucial development for the Warriors as they strive to regain their championship form. Kerr's acknowledgment that Green is "ready" to play significant minutes and contribute as he did before is a positive sign for a team that has faced challenges in recent weeks.

In a recent game against the Sacramento Kings, Green played 31 minutes, demonstrating his versatility and defensive acumen. Kerr's emphasis on the potential for Green to play 30+ minutes on a nightly basis underscores the importance of having a fully engaged and committed Green on the court.

Green's suspension, lifted by NBA Commissioner Adam Silver just over two weeks ago, left a void in the Warriors' lineup. The team struggled defensively and lacked the vocal leadership that Green brings to the floor. Kerr's decision to reintegrate Green into the starting lineup signifies a belief in his ability to impact the game on multiple fronts.

The recent suspension of Draymond Green was not an isolated incident but part of a pattern of on-court actions that drew criticism. Green's confrontations with opponents, including stomping on Domantas Sabonis, putting Rudy Gobert in a headlock, and an incident involving Jusuf Nurkic, raised concerns about his behavior and its impact on the team.

Acknowledging the need for change, Green has publicly expressed remorse for letting down his organization and teammates. The suspension served as a wake-up call, prompting Green to reflect on the areas of his game that require improvement and, more importantly, a change in behavior.

The "antics," as described, are moments that Green recognizes as detrimental to his team's success. As a key figure in the Warriors' defensive schemes and a linchpin of their small-ball lineups, Green's ability to contribute without crossing the line of on-court conduct is paramount. The challenge for Green is not just about playing at an elite level but doing so within the boundaries set by the league and without risking disciplinary actions.

The Golden State Warriors, synonymous with success in the NBA over the past decade, have faced adversity in the current season. Injuries, suspensions, and a highly competitive Western Conference have tested the team's resilience. As Kerr and the Warriors seek to turn their fortunes around, the return of Draymond Green symbolizes a potential turning point.

Green's leadership extends beyond his on-court contributions. His vocal presence, strategic understanding of the game, and ability to energize his teammates have been pivotal in the Warriors' championship runs. Kerr's decision to bring Green back into the starting lineup is not just about statistics; it's about the intangibles that Green brings to the team dynamic.

The suspension of Draymond Green, lasting over three weeks and a total of 12 games, undoubtedly had ripple effects on the Warriors. The team struggled defensively, lacked cohesion, and faced challenges in maintaining its competitive edge. Green's absence left a void that proved challenging to fill, underscoring his value to the team beyond the box score.

As the Warriors aim to compete for their fifth title since 2015, the return of a focused and committed Draymond Green is a beacon of hope. Kerr's decision to reinstate Green in the starting lineup sends a clear message about the team's expectations and the standards of conduct required for success.

As the NBA season progresses, the Warriors find themselves at a crossroads. The return of Draymond Green, if accompanied by a commitment to disciplined play, could be the catalyst for a resurgence. Kerr's honesty regarding Green's readiness and the team's reliance on his leadership sets the stage for a compelling narrative as the Warriors seek redemption in the competitive landscape of the Western Conference. The journey ahead will test not just Green's on-court abilities but his ability to channel his passion in a manner that benefits the team without risking further disciplinary actions.

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