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Watch Live: WFLANow Gasparilla 2024 Coverage

Gasparilla 2024: Pirates invade Tampa in search of the key to the city, leading to a victory parade and celebration.

Ahoy, mateys! Get ready to set sail for Gasparilla 2024 in Tampa, Florida! The pirates have descended upon the city in search of the key to the city, and they're ready to invade in true buccaneer fashion.

The Jose Gasparilla ship will lead the charge, departing from the Port of Tampa Bay around noon, with a fleet of smaller vessels close behind. The ship will dock at the Tampa Convention Center on Franklin Street around 1 p.m., where the pirates will disembark and demand that Mayor Jane Castor surrender the key to the city to the heroic captain of Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla.

After claiming the key, the pirates will celebrate with a victory parade down Bayshore Boulevard, sharing their wealth of beads and booty along the way. This year's parade will feature about 140 elaborate floats, Krewes, marching bands, and, of course, the infamous Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla, marching along the 4.5-mile route.

The Gasparilla parade has been a Tampa tradition since 1904, making it the nation's third-largest parade behind Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. To join in on the action in real time, click here, and for the latest stories on Gasparilla, click here.

So, me hearties, are you ready to join the pirates in their quest for the key to the city? Set sail for Gasparilla 2024 and prepare for a swashbuckling adventure like no other!

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