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Billy Joel returns for encore after long absence from stage

Billy Joel's new song "Turn the Lights Back On" marks the end of his creative hibernation, but what does it mean?

Billy Joel fans have been treated to a new song, "Turn the Lights Back On," for the first time in 15 years, and it has all the hallmarks of a classic Joel ballad. But what does this mean for the legacy of Billy Joel, and does it signal a comeback for the iconic musician?

In exploring the legacy of musicians, it is evident that Joel has been actively shaping the life of his music long after its initial release. Despite not releasing a new album since 1993, Joel has continued to fill stadiums and maintain his presence through live performances, box sets, and anthologies.

The release of "Turn the Lights Back On" in 2024 has sparked speculation about what comes next for Billy Joel. Could a new compilation be in the works? Or is this a wistful plea from an artist to be remembered as his star dims? Regardless, for millions of fans, this new song represents a once-in-a-lifetime event and the opportunity to hear new music from an artist they've long admired.

In the teaser video for the song's release, Joel is seen turning the page for the next chapter in his career, hinting at the possibility of new music on the horizon. Whether this signals a new era for Billy Joel or is simply a moment of reflection, one thing is certain - for now, he is here, and that's all his fans can ask for.

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