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Damian Lillard Portland return: love and appreciation filled with it

Portland fans cheered for 63 seconds as Damian Lillard returned to play against the Trail Blazers. He felt appreciated and loved.

Damian Lillard's return to Portland was an emotional and memorable moment for the city and fans. During his 11 seasons with the Trail Blazers, Lillard poured himself into mentoring and inspiring others, giving back to the community, and perfecting his game. The love and appreciation he received during his return was a validation of his efforts and impact.

The ovations and cheers for Lillard were unlike any he had experienced before. While fans had celebrated his game-winning shots and record-breaking performances in the past, this was a deeper appreciation of his contributions to the city and the franchise. Lillard felt the love from the fans and acknowledged the significance of the moment.

Despite the emotional return, Lillard remains focused on his future with the Milwaukee Bucks and his goal of winning a championship. The game itself was a testament to the shifting allegiances of the fans, as they cheered for both their favorite son and the Blazers, who emerged victorious in the end.

Lillard's return to Portland was a powerful reminder of the impact he had on the city and the enduring love and appreciation he received from the fans. While his future with the Bucks is uncertain, his legacy in Portland will always be cherished.

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